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Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim & Moby

A boy, Tim, reads a typed letter.

TIM: Dear Tim and Moby, Can you tell me about dinosaurs? From Del. Sure, Del! The word "dinosaur" means "terrible lizard." The first dinosaurs developed from the first reptiles about 230 million years ago.

Tim is shown to be in a museum with a dinosaur skeleton behind him. A robot, Moby, walks up carrying a large fossil bone.

MOBY: Beep.

TIM: Scientists were able to learn more about dinosaurs simply by studying their fossilized bones and eggs, as well as their footprints and even their droppings!

Four images appear on the screen. The first one shows an animal's fossilized bones, the second one shows some brown dinosaur eggs, the third one shows a dinosaur footprint, and the fourth one shows animal waste.

TIM: These clues have allowed scientists to have more or less of an idea of how dinosaurs looked and behaved, but however, many mysteries remain. Hey, Moby, is your time machine working?

Moby opens up his time machine and teleports himself and Tim back in time. They are teleported to the Middle Pleistocene with some neanderthals in front of them. A sign reads "400000 years ago- Pleistocene Era"

TIM: Mmm... no. Dinosaurs were extinct long before human beings appeared. We have to go back a lot further!

Moby draws a white face on a black pole with a neanderthal trying to touch him. He and Tim are then teleported to a dense jungle with a volcano in the background. A sign reads "165 million years ago- Jurassic Period"

TIM: Cool! Dinosaurs came in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some moved on two legs while others moved on four.

An image shows two kinds of dinosaurs. One in the back is orange and has a patched shell while the one in front is green and standing on two legs..

TIM: Some were fast and some were... a little less.

An animation shows a red dinosaur run fast pass a large green dinosaur With a long neck inside a lake.

TIM: Some lived on land, others lived in the water and some could even fly!

Three images appear on the screen. The first one shows a blue dinosaur on land, the second one shows some fish-like dinosaurs in the Ocean and the third one shows dinosaurs with wings flying in the air.

TIM: You could find dinosaurs with thick, bumpy skin or others with plates, prickles or horns.

Four images appear on the screen. The first one shows some orange bumpy skin, the second one shows a dinosaur's back with plates, the third one shows prickles and the fourth one shows a horn in front of a dinosaur's face.

TIM: The largest dinosaurs could reach 15 meters high and 30 meters long!

Tim is shown next to a blue dinosaur with a long neck. Tim shrinks down tiny and the dinosaur grows large revealing its and Tim's real height.

TIM: And the smaller ones were the size of a chicken.

An image shows a little green dinosaur next to a chicken.

A green dinosaur's head appears in front of Tim and Moby. Moby ducks down and hides his face behind his hands.

TIM: Don't worry Moby, she's an herbivore! That means she only eats plants or grass. It's the carnivores we have to watch out for. They eat meat!

The dinosaur than eats a small plant.

TIM: That's the reason they had all these horns and plates; to defend themselves.

An image shows two dinosaurs fighting with each other.

TIM: Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for about 160 million years! They are considered to be the most successful of the animal kingdoms.

A scene shows different types of dinosaurs in a dense jungle.

TIM: Then, about 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs suddenly disappeared.

The background of the dense jungle behind Tim fades to black.

TIM: No one is totally sure why, but many scientists think it had something to do with that asteroid.

MOBY: Beep?

TIM: Right, there's a lot of evidence to suggest that dinosaurs suddenly vanished just after an asteroid hit Earth.

An animation shows an asteroid falling toward the Earth. It crashes on the surface to where some dinosaurs are. The screen becomes white and fades to black.

TIM: The impact was said to have been so severe that it would have generated enough dust to prevent the Sun's rays from reaching Earth for a very long time. Global temperatures would then have dropped suddenly, food would have become scarce, and this could be the cause of their disappearance.

An image shows three dinosaurs in a cold environment lying dead on the ground.

TIM: However, scientists believe some of them have evolved into birds.

An animation shows a gray and white bird on a tree branch.

A large light red dinosaur appears in front of Tim and Moby, opening and closing its jaw.

MOBY: Beep!

TIM: Uh, he's not an herbivore!

MOBY: Beep?

TIM: Uh, yeah... let's go!

MOBY: Beep?

TIM: No, I mean really. Let's go! Now!

TIM: The word "dinosaur" means "terrible lizard".

A scene shows Tim and Moby at the museum from the beginning. A clone Tim and Moby teleport to the same scene as they were before.

TIM CLONE: Hey Tim, I know what you're planning to do, and it's a bad idea.

TIM: It is?

TIM CLONE: Yeah, we almost got eaten.

TIM: Oh. Let's not do that, then. Hey, you guys want to play foosball?

TIM CLONE: Oh, you're on.

MOBY: Beep!
