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1) Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X differed in their:[]

A) Willingness to speak publicly

B) Opposition to segregation

C) Desire to help African Americans

D) Methods of protest

Correct Answer: D

2) What lesson did Malcolm X learn from his father’s death?[]

A) Islam was the only religion that made sense for African Americans

B) Speaking out for equal rights was dangerous for African Americans

C) Racial equality could only be achieved through peaceful means

D) People are not fundamentally racist

Correct Answer: B

3) In prison, Malcolm X _____ the Nation of Islam.[]

A) Joined

B) Founded

C) Criticized

D) Left

Correct Answer: A

4) The Nation of Islam is to black nationalism as Martin Luther King, Jr. is to:[]

A) The Civil Rights movement

B) Black supremacy

C) Nonviolent protest

D) White supremacy

Correct Answer: C

5) The "X" in Malcolm X represents his rejection of:[]

A) His childhood

B) The legacy of slavery

C) Religion

D) Friends and family

Correct Answer: B

6) According to Malcolm X, mainstream Civil Rights leaders were:[]

A) Too aggressive

B) Not politically engaged enough

C) Corrupt

D) Too optimistic

Correct Answer: D

7) Malcolm X's first featured appearance on a news program increased the NOI's: ===

A) Profile

B) Membership

C) Notoriety

D) All of the above

Correct Answer: D

8) Malcolm X's decision to split from the NOI was motivated by:[]

A) His declining popularity

B) Disagreements with Elijah Muhammad

C) Pressure from other Civil Rights leaders

D) A desire to retire from public life

Correct Answer: B

9) On his pilgrimage to Mecca, what did Malcolm X see that changed his perspective on race relations?[]

A) People of all races worshipping together

B) Black people in positions of power

C) White people being oppressed

D) Discrimination against Arabs

Correct Answer: A

10) Malcolm X spoke out for African Americans' _______ during the Civil Rights era.[]

A) Optimism

B) Confidence

C) Apathy

D) Frustration

Correct Answer: D
